Realigned Coaching
Jessie van Breugel - Cre8tive Personal Brand Coaching

Nobody beats you at being you.

Building a brand for yourself is a game you never lose

People don't do business with companies anymore. People do business with people. A strong online presence has become more important than ever.I help you become ** a confident creator** with the right direction to build a successful personal brand.One that allows you to establish independent income, create the life you want, and make a positive impact in the world.I'm Jessie van Breugel and my work is devoted to offering the simplest, most effective tools and services to help get you there.

"Working with Jessie has been fantastic!Prior to our first meeting, I was feeling a bit lost and directionless. After talking with him, I came away with several ideas on how to move forward. He helped me clarify my goals and focus on the direction I wanted to pursue.It's been great working with him and I wouldn't be where I am today without his help!"-- Mike Lamb


You have the vision, the drive, and ambition to grow your brand.You want to stand out from the crowd, attract your dream clients and be able to work on the projects you want. You believe that your unique gifts need to be shared to add value and light to the world.You want to feel confident in growing your audience, spreading your message online, and make a living doing what you love.But, you need some help, right?I hear you.

White neon wallpaper - this is the sign you've been looking for

Coaching & community

The best of both worlds.Bringing a highly personalized 1-on-1 approach together with a vibrant community to grow the brand of your dreams.

$149 15% off

Ramping Up FAST

A high-paced 8 -week program.After completion, you'll possess the skills to become an independent and confident creator. One that knows its uniqueness and different ways to monetize this.


Monthly coaching + community

man writing on post-it notes before whiteboard

From feeling lost and confused to focused and with a clear sense of direction.Every month, we meet for 60-minutes to get clear on your goals, adjust the game plan based on your feedback, and decide how you can achieve them.Together, we define where your uniqueness lies and how you can tune into that. Working from true alignment sets you miles apart from the competition. And, this will naturally boost your confidence.Besides the personalized approach on our 1-on-1 calls, you will be part of a great community.A place where we empower and encourage each other. A vibrant community that helps with consistency and accountability. Knowing we're in this together, makes it easier to show up every day.So, are you ready to take your personal brand to the next level?

$149 The first 5 signups receive a lifetime discount of 15%

Ramping UP FAST

The purpose of this program is to get up to speed fast because building a brand becomes much easier when you have a great start.I help you develop the confidence and skillset to become an independent creator.During these 8 weeks, we cover:
• Your unique brand and positioning
• Content strategy
• Audience building
• Finding the right communities
• Ways of monetizing
You end up with the perfect foundation to grow your audience and launch future products.


Curious to find out if this program is the right fit for you? Book a free discovery call first.